Women and Wine Kadarka – Tonković Winery

The sun was slowly setting behind the peaks of Prokletije when the thud of horses' hooves was heard in the distance. Soon, the soldiers of Mahmud Pasha Hasanbegović found themselves in front of the gate of the Peć Patriarchate.
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Otvaraj! – dreknuo je jedan od njih, dok se iza vrata polako promaljalo bledo lice preplašenog iskušenika. Polako je otvorio kapiju znajući da njihov dolazak ne sluti na dobro, ali i da nema svrhe opirati se.

The same thought went through the head of Patriarch Arsenij III Čarnojević when he approached the window, disturbed by the noise, to see what it was all about. The visit of the Turkish soldiers did not surprise him. He knew that one day they would come for him and accuse him of rebellion. He had no illusions that he could survive such an accusation, so he immediately ordered that the soldiers be served the best food and that a lot of wine be poured on them. “As soon as the cup is empty, add more and don’t save,” he said.

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